What are the Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Dump Truck Drivers?

Dump truck accidents occur often, with rocks chipping windshields and causing minor damage as these heavy haulers move through construction sites. Accidents resulting in serious injuries are much less common, but according to the National Safety Council, they are on the rise – up 10% since 2019. While not as common as passenger vehicle accidents, … Continued

What Are High Risk Jobs For COVID-19?

The pandemic put countless employees at risk, requiring many workers to take serious precautions. Some, of course, continue to face dangerous conditions in the workplace – especially employees whose job duties require contact with infected patients. Indeed, some hard workers unfortunately have to roll the dice as they work in high risk jobs for covid. Read … Continued

Does Workers’ Comp Cover Federal Employees Who Get COVID-19? | COVID-19 & Workers’ Comp in 2022

While the pandemic affected every area of life, the American workforce experienced major shifts – with new protocols and updated legislature shaping the way we work. There has been some confusion involving Workers’ Compensation eligibility for employees infected with COVID-19, especially federal employees. Hoffman Law Firm is here to help, answering some common questions below. … Continued

What If I Get COVID-19 at Work? | COVID-19 & Workers’ Comp in 2022

Workers’ Compensation offers assistance to employees who suffer illness or injury as a result of their job. The pandemic kept countless workers at home, leaving many wondering if they can file a Workers’ Comp claim for contracting COVID-19 at their workplace. Read on to learn more about South Carolina’s Workers’ Compensation laws, and how these … Continued

Will a Occupational Disease Be Covered Under Workers’ Comp?

Workplace conditions can result in serious illnesses, putting employees’ lives at risk. Exposure to toxic chemicals or materials is often to blame, with South Carolina workers developing occupational diseases as a result. So how do occupational disease & workers’ compensation cases work? Let us explain! If you became ill as a direct result of your job … Continued

What Exactly is the Vocational Exam in a Workers’ Compensation Case?

Your Workers’ Compensation claim involves several steps, starting with proper medical care. Once you have been treated for your on-the-job injury, a vocational exam will be performed to determine your injury’s impact on your future. Why is vocational exam in workers’ compensation claim important? Hoffman Law Firm explains – Let’s begin. What is a Vocational Exam … Continued

Do I Need to Use Sick Leave for a Workers’ Compensation Claim in South Carolina? 

Workers’ Compensation can be confusing, with employees often believing myths and misinformation. Some employers use their workers’ ignorance to their advantage, following their misaligned moral compass instead of the law. Bad employers may even misuse sick leave for workers’ comp victims – let us explain. If you have been hurt at work, it is important to … Continued

7 Common Myths Related to Workers’ Compensation

If you have been injured in an on-the-job accident, it is important that your next steps are the right ones. Hoffman Law Firm can help, offering trusted legal advice and legal counsel as you pursue the benefits you deserve. With experienced skills to offer clarity on your case and separate facts, fiction and myths about … Continued

6 Common Mistakes In A Workers’ Compensation Claim

If you have been hurt at work, your next steps are pivotal. Even a minor mistake could jeopardize your claim and put your compensation at risk. Here at Hoffman Law Firm, our Workers’ Compensation attorneys can help ensure your road to recovery is a smooth one, offering trusted legal guidance along the way. We can … Continued

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