Fast Facts: The Most Common Workplace Injuries and How to Claim Workers’ Compensation

From a slippery floor in a warehouse to an improperly positioned desk, any workspace can be risky. In fact, an employee is injured on the job every seven seconds, according to the National Safety Council. Workplace injuries can have a wide-ranging effect, not only harming an employee physically but impacting their financial future. 

So what happens when there was no sign to warn employees of a freshly mopped floor? Or when wrist pain from long hours of computer use develops into something more serious?

Recovering damages from a workplace injury can be difficult, but our Workers’ Compensation attorneys at Hoffman Law Firm can help! 

Follow along as we detail some of the most common workplace injuries, then share how our team can help recover the damages you deserve.

workplace injuries, on the job accident, at work accident

What is Workers’ Compensation? 

Workers’ Compensation is insurance coverage paid for by employers that provides cash benefits and/or medical care to employees who sustain an injury or illness as a direct result of their work. Unlike a car accident claim, a Workers’ Compensation case is not based on fault – so injured employees are still eligible for benefits even if they are responsible for causing the accident.  

The amount received by the employee, or claimant, is not limited to their level of carelessness when the injury occurred, nor is it increased by an employer’s fault. A claim is processed and paid as long as the insurer agrees that the injury or illness was related to the person’s employment. 

However, there is always the chance that an employer, or their Workers’ Compensation insurance carrier, can dispute the claim. If this is the case, no cash benefits are paid out until a Workers’ Compensation law judge determines eligibility. Instead of risking a disputed claim – and the stress associated with it – we strongly recommend contacting an experienced Worker’s Compensation lawyer near you in Charleston, SC.

The Most Common Work-Related Injuries 

Work injuries may impact an employee, their colleagues, and their employer – in just an instant. While some injuries are obviously work related, others may not be so easy to classify. The following are some of the most common workplace injuries, from the obvious to the subtle.

Slips and Falls 

Slip and fall accidents are one of the most prevalent causes of injury in the workplace, accounting for one-third of all personal injuries. An employee can easily hit their head, injure their wrists or back, or fracture a bone as the result of a fall. 

According to the CDC, the most common causes of in-office falls include: 

  • Tripping over a desk or file drawer, electrical wires, loose carpeting, or objects in hallways 
  • Bending or reaching for something while seated in an unstable chair 
  • Using a chair in place of a ladder
  • Slipping on wet floors

Overexertion and Strains 

Overexertion is another one of the most common – and costly – work-related injuries. Overexertion, also known as non-impact injuries, is a result of excessive physical effort when completing a task. Common examples include strained or pulled muscles, joint complications, or chronic pain. 

These types of injuries occur more frequently among those who work in a field where lifting objects is required. Overexertion may even occur if you lift small loads regularly, such as a stack of papers, using an improper technique. Other common activities that can lead to overexertion include pushing, turning, holding, carrying, or throwing. 

Repetitive Stress 

Repetitive stress injuries are the fastest-growing category of workplace injuries. They are brought about by administrative, manufacturing, and processing tasks. However, injuries can occur whenever the same movement is done all day for multiple days a week without a break.

Comprising more than 100 different types of job-related injuries, repetitive stress can cause crippling pain when completing even the simplest everyday tasks. While not always immediately noticeable, they can cause permanent damage or impairment over time. 

One of the most common examples of a repetitive stress injury is carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition caused by nerve damage that can cause numbness, tingling, or weakness when gripping objects. 

Vehicle Collisions and Crashes 

Driving small machinery or vehicles is not uncommon for many workers. Depending on the job description, employees may be required to operate forklifts or visit clients in a company-owned car. Collisions or crashes that occur while on the clock are not covered by auto insurance, but Workers’ Compensation instead.

Contact your Workers’ Comp lawyer in Charleston for more information on maximizing your claim after an on-the-job vehicular accident. 

How to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim in South Carolina

When an accident occurs on the job, it is important to address the incident immediately, informing the right people at the right time. The first step toward compensation is reporting all injuries to your employer. In South Carolina, you have 90 days from the date of the accident to report the injury to your employer or you risk losing your Workers’ Compensation benefits. 

After the injury is reported, you have two years to file a Workers’ Comp claim in South Carolina. In the event that the employee dies as a result of work-related injuries, the employee’s family or dependents can file the claim within two years of the death. 

Workers’ Compensation claims can be difficult to navigate without the help of a skilled personal injury lawyer in SC. Whether you need assistance navigating the claim process or want to ensure you are receiving the full benefits you may be entitled to, it’s a good idea to speak with a South Carolina Workers’ Compensation lawyer. 

Have You Suffered a Workplace Injury? Contact Hoffman Law Firm Today! 

Whether you suffered a slip-and-fall at work or are experiencing long-term effects of repetitive strain, don’t suffer in silence! Workers’ Compensation insurance is specifically designed to protect you as you accomplish your work-related duties each day. 

A lack of understanding of the legal process or the stress of moving through it can be overwhelming. But our skilled professionals at Hoffman Law Firm are here to help bear the burden – and advocate for you each step of the way!

Located in Charleston, SC, we support accident victims throughout the Palmetto State. Our personal injury and Workers’ Comp lawyers here at Hoffman Law Firm have extensive experience handling a wide variety of cases. We have established a reputation for success, as well as great service! To meet with a member of our team, schedule your free consultation today. 

Our personal injury law firm offers trusted legal representation right here in the Lowcountry, including these practice areas: 

Workers’ Comp

Slip and Fall

Wrongful Death

Longshoreman Accident

Brain Injury

Spinal Cord Injury

View All Practice Areas

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